Books and Media Please visit Books We Have Read!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

No School Jan 25th


on Friday January 25th, 2012

2D Shape Review Math Links and Games

Here are some fun math games and links to assist your child in reviewing 2D shapes. Please rememmber to use the name of of the shape, # of verticies and # of sides.

Here is a REALLY FUN art activity you can do at home:


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Creating pictures and structures with 2D Shapes!

Dear families!
How exciting as we wrap up 2D shapes. Students have been working hard on counting verticies and sides! Also they're doing a great job remembering the names of the shape.
Have fun viewing the videos. Students worked in groups of 2-4 and made their 2D pictures and structures!



Sunday, January 20, 2013

Spelling List 11

These are the new words added to our word wall.
LIST #11
This week's spelling words are:

1. Ears
2. Mouth
3. Skin
4. Eyes
5. Nose

Bonus Word HINT:
We all have 5 _____!

Dear Parents,
            This is just to let you know that every Monday your child will bring home 5 new spelling words to practise. However, you should know spelling does not count towards your child’s Language Arts mark. My spelling program is to encourage the recognition of words and use of phonics to help assist your child in becoming active in their reading and writing skills.
            To help your child with their writing please consider the following.
Visit this website to help your child learn the words:  
Give your child the opportunity to write down: 
-         Shopping / Grocery lists
-         Writing stories
-         Keeping a journal/diary
-         Writing letters and cards for friends and family
-         Buying word cards from Dollarama
Are just a few ways to encourage your child to start writing.
Please visit for other tips and what is going on in Room 137.
Have a great week,
Miss Mohammed

Science - 5 senses

Dear Parents!
We were experimenting on Friday! We got a chance to use all our 5 Senses to explore things like smelling what coffee is. Tasting lemon. Hearing a drum. Touching sandpaper. Seeing a butterfly close up!

Check out our pictures!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


We've been making Text to Self connections since October. Here is a review of what it means...

Today we read a great book.

Franklin and the Tooth Fairy!
We made a lot of connections!
Ask your child what they wrote and you'll see their answers on here soon!


This book reminds me when...

5 Senses

Dear Parents!

In Science we are learning about the 5 Senses!

Your children learned about all 5 before the holidays. We sang this song to remember the 5!

- Sight (eyes)
- Hearing (ears)
- Touch (hands)
- Taste (tongue)
- Smell (nose)

Also here is a great video you and your child can watch to review the senses

We also talked about how we are lucky when we have all our 5 senses beacuse some people may not have them. So we should be thankful and help others who may not be able to see, hear, taste, touch or smell things.

Have a Happy Day

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Thank you - FOOD DRIVE

This is a little late 
But thank you for all that donated for the Christmas/Holiday/Winter Food Drive