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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Curriculum Afternoon

Updated: Documents to download... expectations and timetable found at the end of this post!

Dear Parents,
If you missed curriculum afternoon from 2:45pm - 3: 15pm here is an overview of what we discussed:
  • Today was only to discuss routines, polices and procedures
  • This was just a meeting to get to know me as your child's teacher
  • Starting Monday we will be lining up at LINE __________
  • If your child is away please call the school

Are my children allowed to walk home?:
Most children are picked up by parents, family member, guardian or take a bus home. If there are any changes to your children's dismissal it needs to be notified in writing. You may also contact the office. If you allow your child to walk home, a letter must be sent to the teacher. No exceptions.

  • If your child is staying in the lunchroom or going home for lunch for just one day. Please notify me by writing me a note or they will be sent to the lunchroom or home as usual.
  • Lunchroom Routine: students eat for 15 minutes and then go outside for 45 minutes. During the winter students will still be expected to go outside for 45 minutes.
Snack Program:
  • If your child paid 15 dollars for the snack program - everyday your child with receive a healthy snack
    For example
    Cucumber slices, bread crackers and cheese

    Children had small yogurt and raisin bread
  • Snack is served from 10:20-10:30am (recess) 
Dressing/Clothes/indoor and outdoor shoes:
Children are expected to dress themselves in a timely manner.Changing their shoes and especially in the winter time. When students are responsible for putting on and taking off their own winter jacket, snow pants and boots.
Reporting Cycle:
November - Progress Report ( no letter grade)
February - Winter Report (letter grade)
June - End of year Report (letter grade)

Questions/ interviews:
If you have questions, concerns  or want to set up an interview time please write me a note and we can discuss it further.
Please note it has only been a few weeks since your child has been attending Grade 1 - further concerns and updates from me will be brought to your attention as soon as possible if needed.

  • 10 minutes of reading at home
  • Borrow-a-Book program to start mid-October
Websites to help your child learn and grow:
You can find great websites to help your child read, write, and learn mathematics using these links:
If you couldn't make it to curriculum afternoon:
I will be sending home two notes with your child
1) Overview of the year what your child will be learning from September to the end of June (click to download PDF document)
2) Timetable - 10 day cycle (click to download PDF document)
Have a terrific Thursday,
Miss Mohammed


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