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Saturday, December 17, 2011

The 2011 Multicultural Winter Holiday Assembly

The 2011 Multicultural Winter Holiday Assembly - Thursday December 22nd 2011

 Assembly is an engaging drama and storytelling presentation featuring seven different holidays celebrated in Canada and around the world during the months of September through February. 
Students learn how fellow Canadians celebrate Ramadan/Eid, Diwali, Winter Solstice, Hanukkah, Advent/Christmas, Kwanzaa, and the Chinese New Year
share a common spirit of family,community, giving, light andhope...providing inspiration and joy to all. 

The 2011 Multicultural Winter Holiday Assembly focuses on what thesecelebrations have in common, helping children grow in respect andappreciation for friends, neighbors and the communities in which they live,supporting Equity and Diversity.


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