Books and Media Please visit Books We Have Read!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Food Drive Donations! Thank you!

Thank you for the donations!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

List 10

These are the new words added to our word wall.
LIST #10
This week's spelling words are:

1. cookie
2. jump
3. run
4. fast
5. gingerbread

Bonus Word HINT:
Run run as fast as you can. You can't _____________ me, I'm the Gingerbread man!

Food Drive!

Don't forget to donate

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Spelling 9

These are the new words added to our word wall.
This week's spelling words are:
WE will continue learning these words this week!

1. there
2. where
3. care
4. said
5. this
Bonus Word HINT:
We are collecting _______.
For our _______ drive!

Thursday, December 6, 2012


We learned about Hannukah

A festival of lights!


Dear Parents,
During the month of December your child will be learning why some people celebrate different things before the New Year.

We have talked about Eid that passed recently. And now we are understanding why people celebrate Chanukah / Hanukkah, Christmas and Kwanzaa.

Also during the holidays this is the time to give others who do not have.
Which is why we are having a food drive.

It is important for students to learn about what other people celebrate since we live in a multi-cultural community/provience/Country.

Please support your child by talking about that it is good other people celebrate different things.
It shows respect to their friends.

Thank you
- Miss Mohammed

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Food Drive - Grade 1 - Room 137!

From December 3rd - 21st
Our classroom will be holding a food drive. Please donate one or two non-perishable food items. Together we can support families who are in need of food over the holidays.
In regards to the food drive, we are looking for the following items;
Items  needed:
·         Sugar
·         Rice
·         Pasta
·         Cereal
·         Oatmeal
·         Pancake Mix
·         Peanut Butter
·         Butter
·         Jam
·         Lentils
·         Beans/Legumes
·         Flour
·         Vegetable Oil
·         Salt/Pepper
·         Instant Coffee
·         Hot Chocolate packets (no marshmallow)
·         Canned Vegetables
·         Condensed milk
·         Tuna
·         Soup – dry  & canned
·         Tea
·         Baby Formula
·         Baby food

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Guess what our classroom got on Tuesday
a brand new smart board for the next few weeks to use!

Now that we have a Smartboard - we can do a lot of fun and interactive learning in our classroom!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Number Quiz

Friday November 30th 2012

Students have been doing a spelling quiz every Friday. Students know that quiz shows a teacher what they know! (Our success criteria - when given a quiz)

We are having our first math quiz. The quiz will show Ms. Mohammed your child's thinking in regards to numbers/counting to 10.

5 Frame and 10 Frame

On Friday your child will bring home their 10 Frame Booklet.
We used the 5 Frame and 10 Frame for a couple of things.

1. To learn how to count by 5s and 10s.
2. To see what numbers look like
3. To teach children how to add. We must first understand why numbers grow. To do so we use words such as:

MORE   and   LESS

We would say:

3 more than 2 is 5
3 + 2= 5

3 less  than 2 is 1
3 - 2 = 1

Here is an interactive game your child can play with 


My Awesome Week

Dear parents!
We are going to be starting something this week called

My Awesome Week 

On Friday your child will complete this work sheet. Please talk to your child about their learning this week. I know most often this may happen:

Parent - "So what did you do today?"
Child - "NOTHING!"

The worksheet will look like this:

Students will draw pictures of : books they have read, things they have learned about in math, social studies, helping friends, gym and a picture they drew specially for you!

This communication between myself, your child and you will be helpful to see how active they are in Grade 1 and their learning!

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!
Have a happy day
Ms. Mohammed

Spelling List 8

Spelling List 8 *NEW SPELLING WORDS November 26 - 30th
Dear Parents! You should know your children are all doing wonderful in their writing.  Recently I sent home a piece of writing they did in September.

These are the new words added to our word wall.
This week's spelling words are: 

1. was
2. felt
3. him
4. boy
5. girl
Bonus Word HINT: 
We are making connections.
Text to _______

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

We just read an awesome book!


Yes Day!

Another collaboration with Amy Krouse Rosenthal!


Pizza for breakfast? Yes! Not having to clean up your room? Yes! Staying up really late? Yes! Every kid’s dream? Yes! Welcome to Yes Day! One a year when the answer to every question is a resounding Yes!

Dear Parents!
Please ask your child about this book. We are going to be brain storming how to ask questions!

May I....
Can I....
Do I .....
Is it okay if I....

Please explore how to ask questions with your child :)

Thank you Parents!

Dear Parents!
Thank you so much for coming out to meet me last week! It was a pleasure meeting all of you and finally getting a chance to discuss how your child is learning and growing in Grade 1.

If you have any questions for me or would like to further discuss how we can encourage and help your child learn and grow please feel free to contact me so we can make an appointment!

Have a happy day
-Ms. Mohammed

Spelling List 7

Spelling List 7

Spelling List 7 *NEW SPELLING WORDS November 19th - 23rd

These are the new words added to our word wall.
This week's spelling words are: 

1. with
2. want
3. went
4. sent
5. that
Bonus Word HINT: 
What month are we in???