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Grade 1 Must-Haves

Things your child will need for Grade 1 

1. A pair of indoor shoes with non-tying closures (Velcro, slip-on, or zipper closures are best. Please note that Crocs, slippers and party shoes are NOT safe in the gym. Your children are running, jumping and climbing on the apparatus and need a pair of well-fitting shoes with a good grip.

2. An extra pair of pants and socks labeled with their name in their backpack (for emergencies)

3. A morning snack (if you child does not participate in the snack program) - something healthy
and last recess snack. Please enforce healthy eating practises for your child. Such as apples, carrots, cheese strings, cracks, dry cereal are just a few examples of eating healthy.

Please do not send 'nuts' such as peanut, walnuts, cashews etc. with your child in case there is a child with a nut allergy. Thank you for being considerate and understanding.