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Monday, January 9, 2012

Welcome back!

(February Newsletter printed copy will be sent home on Friday with Calendar)   

 Dear Parents,
I trust you enjoyed your holiday and that 2012 promises good things for you and your family. The holidays are right around the corner! A thank you must go out to our students who are organizing themselves on a daily/weekly basis to make their education experience enjoyable and rewarding. I would also like to thank parents that came out during parent interview week. Together we can support your child to reach their highest potential.
If you are wondering about ways to help your child with his or her learning while they are at home, here are some ideas:
  •  Read each night with your child and listen to them read
  •  Ask your child about their day and what he or she learned
  •  Practise sight words that are being sent home
  •  Visit your local library (there are also some free programs to enrol your child in)
  •  Visit to explore some of the topics we are discussing in class

Miss Mohammed