Books and Media Please visit Books We Have Read!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Thank You

Thank you to the students and families who gave me gifts. I am really thankful for your thoughtful consideration during this season! It was not necessary but I am very grateful! Thank you! Wishing you warmth and laughter during this Holiday season!

Please remember to donate food to your local food drive!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Students are singing!

There was one day I was present in the classroom while the Music teacher was teaching the song and the children were all laughing and singing! Pointing and sharing smiles of this Christmas season!

ROOM 135 would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas!

The 2011 Multicultural Winter Holiday Assembly

The 2011 Multicultural Winter Holiday Assembly - Thursday December 22nd 2011

 Assembly is an engaging drama and storytelling presentation featuring seven different holidays celebrated in Canada and around the world during the months of September through February. 
Students learn how fellow Canadians celebrate Ramadan/Eid, Diwali, Winter Solstice, Hanukkah, Advent/Christmas, Kwanzaa, and the Chinese New Year
share a common spirit of family,community, giving, light andhope...providing inspiration and joy to all. 

The 2011 Multicultural Winter Holiday Assembly focuses on what thesecelebrations have in common, helping children grow in respect andappreciation for friends, neighbors and the communities in which they live,supporting Equity and Diversity.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

December 2011

Dear Families,
The holidays are almost here.
Here are a few exciting things that are happening in our classroom and Thorncliffe Park Public School!

December 2011

  •  12 – 16th – Gingerbread Man Unit
  • 19-23rd – The Grinch that stole Christmas Unit

  • Thursday 22nd -Thorncliffe Park P.S. Holiday Concert
  • Friday 23rd  – Holiday Class Party (Afternoon)
Everything that will be served at our party will be :
- Nut-Free
- Halal

  Example of things that will be at our class party:
-      Juice / Water
-      Vegetables
-      Chips
-      Cupcakes
-      Educational Games
  Winter Break Starts à  December 24th, 2011
  Winter Break Ends à January 8th, 2012

Miss Mohammed
Grade 1 (Room 135)

Spelling List 10

This week's spelling words are:

Spelling List 10

  1. gingerbread
  2. fast
  3. into
  4. cookie
  5. jump

Spelling Quiz on Monday December  19th, 2011

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Spelling List 9

This week's spelling words are:

1. who
2. what
3. when
4. where
5. why

Bonus Word: ________________
Hint: during winter this type of _________ stays green. They are called Cedar _____s.

Dear Parents,
            This is just to let you know that every Monday your child will bring home 5 new spelling words to practise. However, you should know spelling does not count towards your child’s Language Arts mark. My spelling program is to encourage the recognition of words and use of phonics to help assist your child in becoming active in their reading and writing skills.
            To help your child with their writing please consider the following. Give your child the opportunity to write down:
-         Shopping / Grocery lists
-         Writing stories
-         Keeping a journal/diary
-         Writing letters and cards for friends and family
-         Buying word cards.or magnetic letters from Dollarama
Are just a few ways to encourage your child to start writing.
Please visit for other tips and what is going on in Room 135.
Miss Mohammed

Saturday, December 3, 2011

5 Senses : SCIENCE


We have been exploring our sense of smell!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Goodbye November! Hello December!

Making their own number story!

NUMBERS everywhere!!!

NUMBERS everywhere!!!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Spelling List 8

Spelling List 8


This week's spelling words are:

1. plus
2. minus
3. more
4. less
5. equal

Bonus Word: All these words have to do with the subject _________.

Parents Guide: To help your child with Reading and Writing

Helping Your Child With Reading and Writing: A Guide for Parents

This is a great resource to help your child with reading and writing.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Welcome smartboard to room 135!

Guess what our classroom got on Friday....
a brand new smart board for the next few weeks to use!

Now that we have a Smartboard - we can do a lot of fun and interactive learning in our classroom!

Spelling List Number: 7

Spelling List7


This week's spelling words are:
Bonus Word:
I have to go to the bakery to get a B _ _ for dinner!

Dear Parents,
            This is just to let you know that every Monday your child will bring home 5 new spelling words to practise. However, you should know spelling does not count towards your child’s Language Arts mark. My spelling program is to encourage the recognition of words and use of phonics to help assist your child in becoming active in their reading and writing skills.
            To help your child with their writing please consider the following. Give your child the opportunity to write down:
-         Shopping / Grocery lists
-         Writing stories
-         Keeping a journal/diary
-         Writing letters and cards for friends and family
-         Buying word cards from Dollarama
Are just a few ways to encourage your child to start writing.
Please visit for other tips and what is going on in Room 135.
Have a great weekend,
Miss Mohammed

Number Relationships!

We are learning about number relationships. Today we for art - we are incorporating some math fun! Students today wrote the numeral very large to fill their box. The questions they had to answer were:

My Age
Number of people in my family
How many teeth I have lost
My favourite number
My house number
The span (inches) of my hand

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