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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

December 2011

Dear Families,
The holidays are almost here.
Here are a few exciting things that are happening in our classroom and Thorncliffe Park Public School!

December 2011

  •  12 – 16th – Gingerbread Man Unit
  • 19-23rd – The Grinch that stole Christmas Unit

  • Thursday 22nd -Thorncliffe Park P.S. Holiday Concert
  • Friday 23rd  – Holiday Class Party (Afternoon)
Everything that will be served at our party will be :
- Nut-Free
- Halal

  Example of things that will be at our class party:
-      Juice / Water
-      Vegetables
-      Chips
-      Cupcakes
-      Educational Games
  Winter Break Starts à  December 24th, 2011
  Winter Break Ends à January 8th, 2012

Miss Mohammed
Grade 1 (Room 135)


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