Books and Media Please visit Books We Have Read!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Social Studies: Rules and Responsibilities

Social Studies: Rules and Responsibilities

In social studies we are learning about rules and responsibilities in our lives

Here is a video explaining what Responsibility is all about:
Doing what you are suppose to do!

Spelling List 4

Spelling List4

This week's spelling words are:

1. a

2. and
3. am
4. at
5. I

Bonus Word: I went to ____ park with my friends.

Dear Parents,
            This is just to let you know that every Monday your child will bring home 5 new spelling words to practise. However, you should know spelling does not count towards your child’s Language Arts mark. My spelling program is to encourage the recognition of words and use of phonics to help assist your child in becoming active in their reading and writing skills.
            To help your child with their writing please consider the following. Give your child the opportunity to write down:
-         Shopping / Grocery lists
-         Writing stories
-         Keeping a journal/diary
-         Writing letters and cards for friends and family
-         Buying word cards from Dollarama
Are just a few ways to encourage your child to start writing.
Please visit for other tips and what is going on in Room 135.
Have a great weekend,
Miss Mohammed

How we will practise our spelling words in class

Monday - write it out three times in spelling book and practise spelling them with a friend

Tuesday - write words in order of the alphabet
bat mat cat  =  bat cat mat

Wednesday - Mix-It-Up and have a friend solve the mix-up letters
a t c = cat

Thursday - Triangle Spelling

Friday - Spelling Test 
*Students will take home spelling test to show parents

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Spelling List 3

Spelling List 3

This week's spelling words are:
Words with

1. at
2. mat
3. cat
4. sat
5. bat

Bonus Word:

What else rhymes with these words? Starts with the letter R

Dear Parents,
            This is just to let you know that every Monday your child will bring home 5 new spelling words to practise. However, you should know spelling does not count towards your child’s Language Arts mark. My spelling program is to encourage the recognition of words and use of phonics to help assist your child in becoming active in their reading and writing skills.
            To help your child with their writing please consider the following. Give your child the opportunity to write down:
-         Shopping / Grocery lists
-         Writing stories
-         Keeping a journal/diary
-         Writing letters and cards for friends and family
-         Buying word cards from Dollarama
Are just a few ways to encourage your child to start writing.

Please visit for other tips and what is going on in Room 135.
Have a great weekend,
Miss Mohammed

How we will practise our spelling words in class

Monday - write it out three times in spelling book and practise spelling them with a friend

Tuesday - write words in order of the alphabet
bat mat cat  =  bat cat mat

Wednesday - Mix-It-Up and have a friend solve the mix-up letters
a t c = cat

Thursday - Triangle Spelling

Friday - Spelling Test 
*Students will take home spelling test to show parents

Math: Bear Patterns!

Unit 1 - sorting and patterning
This week we were using coloured bears to help sort and create pattern rules
Some pattern rules we dicussed in class are:


Here are a few pictures!

Some students even made their own patterns using drawing of beyblades,people, colours, shapes, and other creative things.

 students hard at work!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Thorncliffe Park PS: letter home - sept 29, 2011

Thorncliffe Park PS: letter home - sept 29, 2011: Sept 28 th , 2011 Dear Parents, Please review a number of important information items: 50 th Anniversary Our school turns 50 year old...

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Spelling List 2

Spelling List 2

This week's spelling words are:
Words with -an 

1. one
2. two
3. three
4. he
5. she

Bonus Word: ________________
I am ______ . From our poetry book!

How we will practise our spelling words in class

Monday - write it out three times in spelling book and practise spelling them with a friend

Tuesday - write words in order of the alphabet
bat mat cat  =  bat cat mat

Wednesday - Mix-It-Up and have a friend solve the mix-up letters
a t c = cat

Thursday - Triangle Spelling

Friday - Spelling Test 
*Students will take home spelling test to show parents

Happy Thanksgiving

Dear Families,
Have a great long weekend!

Your child did their first Spelling Test on Friday! I am sending it home to be signed and to be brought back. Please assist your child with learning these 5 words: an, man, can, ran, fan. 

Please remember your child needs to read 10 minutes a day - this will help with their reading comprehension and phonic skills of sounding letters out. Please enforce good reading habits by:

  1. Looking at the pictures
  2. Sounding the words out
  3. Reading the letters in the word
Have a safe and happy long weekend.
Please ask your child about the words respect and being honest -  We talked about why we celebrate Thanksgiving! We need to be thankful for lots of things. Please ask your child what they are thankful for!

Take Care and see you on Tuesday!
Miss Mohammed


Saturday, October 1, 2011

How to help your child learn to SORT and make Patterns

Dear Parents,
In MATH we are learning about sorting and patterning.
Here is a great video you can do with your child at home. You can use buttons, cereal, jewelry, pens, etc... to help your children learn how to sort things.

Here is a sorting game 

Here is a pattern game


One thing that we have been learning a lot this past week is the rules. Respect is a word that helps us remember all the rules to follow in our classroom, school and playground.

Here is a great song to remember what respect is:
