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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Dear Families,
Have a great long weekend!

Your child did their first Spelling Test on Friday! I am sending it home to be signed and to be brought back. Please assist your child with learning these 5 words: an, man, can, ran, fan. 

Please remember your child needs to read 10 minutes a day - this will help with their reading comprehension and phonic skills of sounding letters out. Please enforce good reading habits by:

  1. Looking at the pictures
  2. Sounding the words out
  3. Reading the letters in the word
Have a safe and happy long weekend.
Please ask your child about the words respect and being honest -  We talked about why we celebrate Thanksgiving! We need to be thankful for lots of things. Please ask your child what they are thankful for!

Take Care and see you on Tuesday!
Miss Mohammed



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