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Monday, November 7, 2011

Spelling List 6

Spelling List 6


This week's spelling words are:

1. like
2. see
3. we
4. me
5. be
Bonus Word: Nov. 11th we r_______ our soliders.

Dear Parents,
            This is just to let you know that every Monday your child will bring home 5 new spelling words to practise. However, you should know spelling does not count towards your child’s Language Arts mark. My spelling program is to encourage the recognition of words and use of phonics to help assist your child in becoming active in their reading and writing skills.
            To help your child with their writing please consider the following. Give your child the opportunity to write down:
-         Shopping / Grocery lists
-         Writing stories
-         Keeping a journal/diary
-         Writing letters and cards for friends and family
-         Buying word cards from Dollarama
Are just a few ways to encourage your child to start writing.
Please visit for other tips and what is going on in Room 135.
Have a great weekend,
Miss Mohammed


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