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Thursday, September 13, 2012

September 2012

Dear Families,
Thank you for your cooperation with all the letters going home! By now you should of received our September Newsletter and also an invitation to Meet the Teacher afternoon

on Tuesday September 18th at 2:45pm. Please be at line D so administration can walk you into the school.

  • Green Breakfast Program form (optional)
  • Pink snack form with $15.00

What we are learning: Ask your child - I'm sure they have lots to say!
  • Routines and Rules of the school
  • Expectations: Success Criteria - writing and drawing pictures
  • Language Arts: Printing and recognizing high frequency words while reading
  • Math: Printing Numbers and recognizing patterns
  • Social Studies: Important People in your life
  • Art: Success Criteria - taking our time colouring, learning how to spell / recognizing colours 
Hope everyone is having a great week so far!
Miss Mohammed


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