Books and Media Please visit Books We Have Read!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Reading Books Online

Dear Parents,
I know a lot of you decided to keep your child home from the weather.
We read this book today in class and talked about the 5W's (who, what, when, where, why and how) and also discussed our favourite part by writing a short explanation.

Try and do this at home.


Arthur's TV trouble


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Dear Parents,

Wednesday we are having our Halloween Celebration with various math and language Halloween activities. It is up to you and your child if they want to wear a costume to school. We will also be watching the kindergarten students do their Halloween parade in the morning and afternoon. You may want to send the costume with your child to change-in. Our small celebration will be in the afternoon.

If you want to send treats with your child – please feel free to do so. Just please note: NO NUTS J  I will also be sending home a small treat bag with your child at the end of the day. Students must show you their treats from me and have your approval if they can eat it. J You are more than welcomed to send a snack for your child to enjoy during our celebration.

Here is the schedule for Wednesday October 31st 2012
Miss Mohammed

great safety page

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Nurses Visit #3 - How to dress for WINTER!

Nurses Visit #3
“The Importance of Dressing Properly for Winter:  Some Tips on Staying Warm When it Starts to Get Cold”

The nurses will be visiting us on October 25th!

Dear Parents,
It's important we have nurse visits in our classroom. Students get to see a nurse and listen to their helpful advice. They are our community helper, who look out for our best interest in health and safety!
I hope you ask your child what they learned after school on October 25th.

Have a happy day!
Thank you for your support parents!
Ms. Mohammed

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Spelling List 4

Spelling List 4

These are the new words added to our word wall.
This week's spelling words are: 

1. in
2. see
3. like
4. for
5. have
Bonus Word HINT: 

Dear Parents,
            This is just to let you know that every Monday your child will bring home 5 new spelling words to practise. However, you should know spelling does not count towards your child’s Language Arts mark. My spelling program is to encourage the recognition of words and use of phonics to help assist your child in becoming active in their reading and writing skills.
            To help your child with their writing please consider the following.
Visit this website to help your child learn the words:  
Give your child the opportunity to write down: 
-         Shopping / Grocery lists
-         Writing stories
-         Keeping a journal/diary
-         Writing letters and cards for friends and family
-         Buying word cards from Dollarama
Are just a few ways to encourage your child to start writing.
Please visit for other tips and what is going on in Room 137.
Have a great week,
Miss Mohammed

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Spelling List 3

These are the new words added to our word wall.
This week's spelling words are:

1. at

2. you
3. who
4. why
5. my
Bonus Word HINT: ____man - a super hero!
*The bonus word will be added to next week's 5 words too!

Dear Parents,
            This is just to let you know that every Monday your child will bring home 5 new spelling words to practise. However, you should know spelling does not count towards your child’s Language Arts mark. My spelling program is to encourage the recognition of words and use of phonics to help assist your child in becoming active in their reading and writing skills.
            To help your child with their writing please consider the following.
Visit this website to help your child learn the words: 
Give your child the opportunity to write down:
-         Shopping / Grocery lists
-         Writing stories
-         Keeping a journal/diary
-         Writing letters and cards for friends and family
-         Buying word cards from Dollarama
Are just a few ways to encourage your child to start writing.
Please visit for other tips and what is going on in Room 137.
Have a great week,
Miss Mohammed

Nurses Visit #2 -

The friendly UofT students nurses came in, to talk to us about hygiene!
Topics were:
  • remembering to brush our teeth!
  • washing our hands
  • combing our hair
  • using soap helps!  
  • cooking dinner
  • going to bed 
Also the nurses talked about routines!
Grade 1 students should go to bed early! 8pm sounds like a good time, that way you wont be tired the next day. Also things like not listening to loud music or running around before going to bed. Having a routine will help with being on time and getting ready for bed and other things in our life.



One in-door recess students in room 137 built a puzzle together. It may be a simple task but working together and meeting new friends is just the way to remember that we all must cooperate and work together.

 Great job!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Picture Day

Picture Day
October 18th @ 2:30pm

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Social Studies : Rules and Responsibilities

Social Studies : Rules and Responsibilities
Today we learned about Rules and Responsibilities!

Ask your child about it and watch these videos with them!

Rules: a rules is osemthing you have to follow.

Responsibilities: Is when you have a job to do well.



We can sort things by: