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Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Dear Parents,

Wednesday we are having our Halloween Celebration with various math and language Halloween activities. It is up to you and your child if they want to wear a costume to school. We will also be watching the kindergarten students do their Halloween parade in the morning and afternoon. You may want to send the costume with your child to change-in. Our small celebration will be in the afternoon.

If you want to send treats with your child – please feel free to do so. Just please note: NO NUTS J  I will also be sending home a small treat bag with your child at the end of the day. Students must show you their treats from me and have your approval if they can eat it. J You are more than welcomed to send a snack for your child to enjoy during our celebration.

Here is the schedule for Wednesday October 31st 2012
Miss Mohammed

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