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Monday, September 19, 2011

This blog

 Dear Families,

This blog will provide a showcase for student writing and art work and a communication link from school to home. You can easily subscribe to this blog and receive automatic notification of new posts by clicking in the box located in the right sidebar and filling in your email address.

I hope that students, families, and friends will leave their positive comments after any of the posts on this blog. Just type into the comment box after the post. You do not need to include your email address here. All comments will be moderated by Ms. Mohammed before they appear in the blog. PLEASE write a comment and share it with your child by asking questions. It is very motivating for children to know that someone will be viewing their work.

I’m looking forward to meeting you all soon. Please introduce yourself and come in and have a look at where you child will be spending this very special first year of school.

Have a Happy Monday

Ms. Mohammed


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