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Thursday, September 22, 2011

What do your children do all day?

Making the adjustment from half-day kindergarten to full-day Grade One is often difficult for most students. Are you finding your children are tired after school? I usually find that it takes a good month to six weeks before the students are really settled in and completely comfortable with routines in the classroom.

There is so much to learn and so much that is new in Grade One! Having their own desk, learning to keep it tidy and being responsible for their own supplies is a change from kindergarten. Where do I hand in my work? What do I do when I’m finished? How do I log in to my computer? Did I remember to log out? Where does this picture book go? Do I use markers or crayons in my Math book? What do those black squiggles on the page say? Am I going home for lunch? Am I staying in the lunch room? Did I remember to put away my lunch bag in room 135's lunch-bin? Did I remember to bring my notes home to my parents? change my shoes? stack my chair? . . . the list goes on!!

So if your children are tired (or grumpy) after school, please remember that they have spent all day working VERY hard.

Thorncliffe Park Public School is on a ten-day cycle.

Everyday your child will have either gym or music and on days: 8 and 10 they will have both classes. If you don't have a schedule you can request one - and its no problem ;)

Every month you will receive a calendar and a note about what your child is learning.
Please remember to post the classroom calendar somewhere at home to remember important days throughout the month.

Take care,
Ms. Mohammed


Ms.Virji said...

Looks good Miss.M!!! you got your own name plate tooo - so exciting!!! i never got one last year haha!

Ms. Mohammed said...

Hi Ms. Virji,
Thank you thank you. I made it! Pretty fancy huh!?

Hope you're having a great weekend!

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