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Friday, April 13, 2012

Room 137 -

Friday, April 13th 2012
Dear Parents and Guardians,

Hello! My name is Miss Mohammed, and I will be with Ms. Grenville’s class for the remainder of the school year. I am truly excited to be part of Thorncliffe Park Public School teaching staff again. 

Ms. Grenville and I have discussed her program thoroughly and I can assure you all, that your child will have a smooth transition in my classroom until the end of June. Your son or daughter will feel safe, comfortable, and inclusive as we continue our journey of learning together.

Our focus for the third term includes the following:
  • Language Arts – Prediction, inferring, text-to-self connections, spelling, printing, and media texts
  • Mathematics – 2D/3D geometry, time, money, and symmetry
  • Science – Structures, seasonal changes and effects, living things, and energy
  • Social Studies – People in our community and their occupations, the needs and wants of a safe community and mapping
  • The Arts – Creating and making connections with a variety of artists and art

You are encouraged to support your child’s learning by visiting the library, a search on website, or simply an opportunity to discuss topics surrounding the current program is always appreciated.

I look forward to meeting all of you as we work together to ensure your child’s academic success. Thank you in advance for your support and cooperation. Please feel free to address any concerns with me at the school (416-396-2460) or by writing me a letter/note, during my time in Room 137.


Miss Mohammed
Grade One Teacher
Thorncliffe Park Elementary School


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