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Sunday, April 22, 2012

What we are learning for the Month of April/May

Our focus for the third term includes the following:
  • Language Arts
    - Prediction
    - inferring
    - text-to-self connections
    - spelling
    - printing
    - media texts

  • Mathematics
    - time
    - Linear measurement (compare and order objects)
    - money (Skip counting ... counting by 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s, 100s etc..) and (Numeric Patterns)
    - symmetry (shapes in the environment)

  • Science
    - Needs of animals/plants
    Daily seasonal changes
    - Objects/Materials and identify/describe their properties
  • Social Studies
    - People in our community and their occupations
    - the needs and wants of a safe community
    - mapping

  • The Arts – Creating and making connections with a variety of artists and art


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